Woobaby's Journey

Friday, October 28, 2005

One Disgraceful Word

As a race, have we ever stopped to think about a certain word that we let out of our mouths? How far back we are slowly putting ourselves? Or how our ancestors might be hurt and disappointed in us for using this one word? Maybe we should.

Our ancestors fought long and hard just so we could get respect, the jobs we needed, the cars we ride, the jewelry we rock, and a life of our own. Some fought for a title used against our race to be “destroyed” and never used again. Apparently that fight is more lost than won.

It is taught in school that only white, racist people would call anyone of the black race a “nigger.” If a person was white and helped, loved, and stood for a member of the black race that person was deemed a “nigger lover.” Truth is there were more than openly racist white folks degrading us. There were plenty of black folks using the term also. Sad but true.

Unfortunately, in this day and age, majority of our own people use the word “nigga” everyday. Pay close attention to how we are degrading ourselves and our ancestors.

Almost every rapper in and out of the industry will let the term “nigga” slip out their mouth. Go to the hood-hell anywhere in the states and you will see that almost everyone says “nigga.” Now I hear a lot of people try to justify the difference in how it’s said and who can and can’t say it. I hate to be the one to let be known, but there were and are a lot of white people who will say and use the ebonic form of nigger-nigga.

Truly we are hypocrites when we say that one race can’t use this term but we’re using it freely. We get pissed if we hear certain people say it. Hell, we even have the nerves to give other people of other races the permission to say “nigga.” Examples:
Jennifer Lopez said nigga in that annoying song “I’m Real.” We hollered she can’t say that. Fat Joe says nigga all over his cds and it’s cool and we don’t bitch. Eminem, before he was known and while he was foolish and after some stuff went down, he used the term nigga in some song. A lot of us had a fit. Yet if you’re black it’s straight for you to holla’ nigga 24-7.

I admit when I was younger I used to say it more than I should have. Then I just stopped one day. It was as if I was told that I better not by one of my ancestors.

As an individual, we’re degrading ourselves and as a race, we’re degrading each other. We say things need to change still. So who’s to say that we can’t start the change with eliminating the use of this one word from our own vocab? I overstand, (not understand, overstand), the freedom of speech. I’m not saying that we have to censor ourselves with everything we say. I am saying that it doesn’t make sense for us to complain about other people using the term, no matter how it is spelled. Especially if we are constantly calling each other and ourselves one. Now sit back and contemplate that.



  • Well people understand what you are saying but in the videos and songs now and days they disgrace women you're Bitches, Hoes, they are practically naked, so when you can stop that too then maybe we are getting somewhere, the younger kids don't even know how to dance anymore, all they know is to shake their butts, it's all a disgrace.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at Friday, October 28, 2005 8:22:00 AM  

  • I agree with your comment, up to a certain point! The degradation of women with labeling them bitches and hoes as gotten to a level that is truly disgraceful! As far as the women that shake their butts and dance almost naked in the videos, one must keep in mind that no one places these women in these videos, so to a certain extent, women must be accountable for their portrayal of their gender as well. Similarly black people must take their responsibility for keeping the N-bomb word alive and circulating the way it has!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at Friday, October 28, 2005 11:31:00 AM  

  • True, but if you think about it, just because I'm dancing a certain way does not mean I'm a bitch or hoe, that's means I'm making money and trying to sort of net work in my own way, but that is true I guess we all need to make a stand somewhere

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at Friday, October 28, 2005 12:25:00 PM  

  • The point of the article I believe was to make people aware of using the word "nigga", and from the look of the comments, things have gotten off course. The focus has now turned on the labeling of women "B's" or "Hoes", which is also an issue that should be addressed, but from the context of the original article, it seems to try and focus on the cultural problem, which now seems to be growing with the hip-hop generations usage as well as black people!


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at Saturday, October 29, 2005 6:36:00 AM  

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