Woobaby's Journey

Thursday, January 05, 2006

They Shootin’

The New Year is here and Detroit is bringing it in with a bang and with sparks. Gun sparks that is! Not sure if you all heard, but Obie Trice (a rapper) was shot on one of the local expressways, but he’s all right! Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know a rapper being shot isn’t news these days, so feel free to say “And”! However, the issue isn’t really about that idiot, it’s more about the continuing senseless violence that has already emerged in my beloved city! Yeah, some shootings have happened in the suburbs, but with Detroit being the closest city with any kind of name recognition, the media labels those incidents as happening in Detroit as well.

In 2005, Detroit's 374 homicides amounted to more than 40 murders for every 100,000 residents. Baltimore had a similar murder rate, and New Orleans in the last few years has outpaced Detroit. But most larger cities had significantly lower murder rates last year. New York had about 7 murders for every 100,000 residents; Los Angeles had about 13, and Chicago had 15.

It was not even a full 24 hours into the New Year when two women were found shot to death in an alley! At a party thrown at a local hall, a 20 year old fired into a crowd and wound up killing a 27-year-old father. So, while the mayor makes promises of having “pride in the city of Detroit and the community coming together," and making Detroit a place "where children and families grow and flourish in clean, safe neighborhoods that give them access to the world." he must also make a realistic commitment on violent crimes and gun control! Political parties have used empty promises and tired rhetoric to persuade optimistic voters into placing check marks on ballots for politician’s personal agendas. While not all the fault can be placed on politicians, Detroiters must take a more productive and positive role in the very city they swear to love.

Hopefully things will be mild in regards to gun violence or violence on a whole, but being realistic about the situation doesn’t leave much to be optimistic about.

Until next time...


  • Yo Dizzy, those fools were poppin' off around my block too. (LA - cali) Damn shame.

    By Blogger Supa, at Thursday, January 05, 2006 4:47:00 PM  

  • Very good post. Truly enlightening. I have always noticed that Detroit has a high crime rate. Never really discussed it with someone from there. Glad to get your perspective. Good post.

    By Blogger MZPEACH, at Friday, January 06, 2006 7:51:00 AM  

  • Supa why do fools not learn! Hey, I'm just gone keep on doing me though, and hopefully they'll wake up soon enough!

    GP, it aint that bad, actually it's probably typical of any urban area, but Detroit has had a stigma for so long, any lil incident reinforces images from twenty years ago. It just hurts more because Detroit is actually run by our own people as far as political positions go and the make-up of the citizens, Detroit is like 85-90% black!!!

    By Blogger Dizzy, at Friday, January 06, 2006 11:57:00 AM  

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