Woobaby's Journey

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Where did all the love go!

Take a look at my beautiful city!
The Pistons are kicking butts and taking names!

The Red Wings are naming butts to kick!

Even the Tigers…that’s right, the Detroit Tigers are winning!

Okay, I guess all good things must come to an end right!
Just two months ago Detroit was the city with All Eyes on Us! And just when my city appeared to be ready to turn that corner, reality hit! And boy did it hit hard! The most recent and disturbing incident has to be the 911 call gone awry, or shall I say just plain ignored! Ignorance my folks! What else can I say! I guess by definition ignorance is the wrong word, because that 911 Operator knew better than to ignore the call of a five year old boy calling to get help for his mother! Unfortunately, the mother didn’t make it and a large portion of the blame goes to the 911 Operator, who told the boy to quit playing on the phone, when all he was attempting to do was be a good son to an ailing mom! There are procedures that the operator clearly failed to follow and as a result a son is now without his mom! I could understand if the operator just made a judgement call initially, but the boy called twice! Where in the world was this woman’s head at!
Sad to say that this is not the first incident in which Detroit’s 911 representatives have been called into question! Personally, I don’t care to retell them because every mishap done on behalf of a Detroit Civil Servant is replayed through the media as if it was the hottest song on the radio!

On Tuesday night a local artist was shot and killed! The artist was Proof, Eminem’s right hand man! In the movie 8-Mile he is portrayed by Mikal Phifer!

I love my city but damn yall! If yall can decide to behave for a stupid ass football game, for motherfuckers that don’t even live here, where is the love for your fellow Detroiter? Where is the love for you neighbor, brother, sister…Christian, Muslim or Jew!

I guess I’ll be glad when the Super Bowl comes back, because that means I can feel at peace.

Sad part about that is....I might be leaving my beautifully confused city as well! I guess until then I'll find my solace in sports!!

Damn shame!


  • I notice that you didn't mention the wonderful Lions...ha, ha!

    When it comes to the recently shot rapper, I must pose the question: What was he doing in that neighborhood anyway? In my opinion, he already knew the circumstances which he was under. EMINEM is your best friend for Christ's sake!!!! That means brothers are gonna try you. Envy, jealousy, and fame have always been breeding places for violence. We seem to be the only race that finds it necessary to "keep it real" by continuing destructive patterns long after we've changed our environment for the better.

    And finally, as for your possible move out the city...I ain't mad at (words from your beloved TuPac). Just remember to give back once you've "arrived" at whatever goal(s) you feel you can realistically reach in another city. Those goals may include love, education, finance, or a combination of all three. Once you've done all you can it's okay to look for cheese elsewhere.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at Wednesday, April 12, 2006 6:57:00 AM  

  • HEY!!!!!!!!

    By Blogger MZPEACH, at Wednesday, July 12, 2006 1:59:00 PM  

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